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AEF, PvP Discussion Thread

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AEF, PvP Discussion Thread  Empty AEF, PvP Discussion Thread

Post by Ras Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:46 pm

Since its not inaccurate to say everyone in this forum is banned for life on the AEF, I thought we should carry the discussion here.
Basically its a thread to voice out your oppinion about the current discussion going on that thread.

Or just spam desu, I don't really care that much, desu.

Here's a link to the =AQW= PvP Thoughts and Impressions Thread, if you are just to lazy to move your mouse and look for it.

Anyway my two cents on the matter.
-How 4311 was born...
Long ago, Josh publicized his favorite private room to gather people and entertain his fetishes.
None skilled actually went though, and a lot of newfags that thought they weren't newfags started gathering. When this place became actually active some of the oldies that got rusty went to be able to queue as they saw the PvP thread and all its advertisement.
When word came that some of the oldies went there, some decent people also became involved.

Of course me and 1c3 were still calling them newfags, as they were and always will be.
The End.

As to Josh' proof that he went there back in beta with his buddy, its hard to believe when neither him or his buddy have a beta badge.
He did start the place though, I know because I actually remember his post.

-Killfeeds, leaderboards, etc...
It is a cool idea, but I think the count might get fucked up when people decide to leave.
Furthermore it might cause you to get kicked.
The servers can barely handle classes with haste, so if you kill more than one person at once, or two people very fast the server might think your violating the ToS and kick you.

Last edited by Ras on Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Posted too early.)
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